Item # 34565
The most effective combination detergent, disinfectant, virucide for cleaning and disinfecting.
Rufect® is a phosphate free formulation designed to provide effective cleaning deodorizing, sanitization and disinfection specifically for hospitals, nursing homes, schools, food processing plants, food service establishments and other institutions where housekeeping is of prime importance in controlling the hazard of cross contamination. Rufect® is formulated to disinfect inanimate hard surfaces such as walls, floors, sink tops, toilet bowls, tables, chairs, telephones and bed frames. For larger areas such as operating rooms, patient care facilities and restrooms, this product is designed to provide both general cleaning and disinfecting. Rufect® deodorizes those areas which generally are hard to keep fresh smelling such as garbage storage areas, empty garbage bins and cans, toilet bowls and other areas which are prone to odors caused by microorganisms. In addition, Rufect® sanitizes previously cleaned and rinsed non-porous food contact surfaces such as tanks, chopping blocks, counter tops, drinking glasses and eating utensils.
More Information
- Cleaner
- Detergent
- Deodorizer
- Sanitizer
- Mildewstat (on hard inanimate surfaces)
- Disinfectant
- Fungicide (against Pathogenic fungi)
- Virucide